Donate to the Arc Online!
The Arc of Greater Beaumont is setup to accept donations and payments instantly and securely online using either your credit card, debit card, or PayPal Account.
Click the button below to be redirected to the secure site to enter your payments information.
IMPORTANT: Please be sure to enter the reason for your donation or payment in the “Purpose Box” at checkout (i.e. general donation, annual meeting tickets, membership dues, etc.). Doing this will help us ensure that donations and payments are credited properly.
Support The Arc of Greater Beaumont While You Shop!
Register with the following businesses and a portion of your purchases will go back to The Arc of Greater Beaumont.
Kroger’s Community Rewards Program:
Annual Re-enrollment required for current participants
1. Visit
2. Sign in to your online account, or create an account
3. Find The Arc of Greater Beaumont- non profit organization #90708 and click “Save”
4. Share this information with friends and family & make sure you use your registered Kroger card every time you shop at Kroger