When you are trying to find a job oftentimes employers want you to have a resume. A resume is a summary of your skills, education, and past job experience. I good resume can be the deciding factor on weather you get an interview with a company or not. Below are some helpful tips on how to make a resume:
There are many ways to put together a resume but remember you always want to resume to be simple and easy to understand. A resume should have the following information:
- Name
- Phone Number
- Email (if you have one)
- Address
- Job Experience
- Education
- References (optional)
There are a lot of free resume builder sites online that you can use. One simple way to do a resume is chronologically. By listing your job experience(s) in order. The first one on your resume should be your most recent job and then list them backwards. Here is an example of a chronological resume template from Microsoft Office.
Click here to download this template
Click here to view more templates available through Microsoft Office
I want to build a resume but I need help!
If you want help building a resume the Arc of Greater Beaumont is here for you. Call (409)838-9012 to set up an appointment and the Arc staff will help you make your resume.